The chart shows the unemployment rate among young people was higher than the overall unemployment rate in all five countries and the gap was the smallest in Germany. In both categories, Poland had the highest rate, while Denmark had the lowest figure.
When it comes to children aged 0 to 3, watching TV was the most popular activity before they went to sleep(30%),followed by brushing teeth and bathing with the former being slightly higher than the latter(这个句型超级经典和实用)( 25% and 20%). And those who preferred reading and eating accounted for relatively much lower ratio(5% and 2% for each)
In terms of the age group of 4 to 5 years old, watch TV still played a leading role in(起主导作用,写第一位是用) their leisure time before their sleep(25%). Subsequently came(排序法中的倒装结构) brushing teeth and bathing whose rate maintained the same(15%). Clearly, the participation percentage of eating and reading remained the least(4% and 3% respectively)
Turning to children aged 6 to 8, they demonstrated the same interest and enthusiasm towards(表现出相同的兴趣和热情) watching TV and brushing teeth(30%), whose number went far beyond(远超) bathing and eating(10% and 8% separately) and few children chose reading books before sleep(3%).
Seen from the chart, watching TV was the most attractive to children in all age groups. In addition, bathing&reading and eating showed an opposite pattern as the age grew during the given time.
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