What is the maintopic of the lecture?
A. The history of Greek music from ancient times to the past
B. The influence of ancient Greek music on the music of neighboring countries
C. The characteristics of ancient Greek songs
D. The attitude of the ancient Greek toward music
Today we are going to do something a little different. In the past few classes, we've listened to traditional music from around the world and we've talked about the characteristics of these music,what makes these styles distinctive, what kinds of instruments are used. And you've talked about what sounds familiar to you and what sounds strange. And many of you found some of what we've listened to very strange indeed.
Well, today I want to start talking about western music and I am going to start in ancient Greece.
But, now here's part that's different. We're not going to talk very much about the actual music. Instead, we are going to talk about what the Greeks believed about music.
Now, there are some very good reasons to approach the material in this way.
该题正确选项为D,很多学生错选C。你可以回顾刚才的笔记,是否记了traditional music characteristicinstrument familiar strange 这些词,老师很明显说到in the past fewclasses,代表音乐特征是之前内容,所以C已经不能选。你还可以回顾笔记,是否甚至知道后面才是主题句而且写了believe原词,仍旧选了C。原因就在于很简短的what the ancient Greeks believed about music在你记录believe的时候已经说完了,而你并没有理解这句话的意思,所以正确选项同义替换成attitude的时候,你并不能迅速对应。