Your degree requires that you should choose a history course. Which of the following courses would you prefer? (1) Art history (2) Twentieth-century world history (3) Science history
1. 3选1题型高分应答模板:正向展开
If I had to choose between art history, twentieth-century world history, or science history, I would always choose art history. To begin, my favorite types of museums are art museums. I enjoy looking at the art and trying to interpret how people were feeling, or what they were going through at that time. Second, compared to traditional history courses, art history can give a different perspective on a certain time period. Rather than hear facts and figures, art history courses give you the opportunity to see how common people felt in that time. For example, people who lived through the war may paint scenes of how traditional towns were, rather than hear about the fighting and conflict like you would in a history. For these two reasons, I would prefer to take an art history class.
上面这个实例就是正向展开式的应答模板,考生直接选择了题目3个选项中的art history,然后分别给出两个选择的理由,再配合例子进行论述,最后完美收尾。这种正向展开式的论述除了观点鲜明开门见山以及结构清晰逻辑通顺外,还有一个好处是可以帮助大家完全规避掉自己不熟悉的选项内容。比如另两个选项的二十世纪世界历史和科技史。考生面对这类完全没思路不知道说什么好的选项怎么办?没关系,直接忽略掉不提就可以了。这也正是这种展开模板的优势亮点之一。
2. 3选1题型高分应答模板:反向排除
题目:Your degree requires you to take one course, which one would you choose?
(1) Energy and environment (2) Health and nutrition (3) Solar system
回答:I would choose health and nutrition classes for two main reasons. First, I deal with nutrition every single day. When I am trying to make healthy choices for my body, I am sometimes uncertain about what the best foods are the most nutritious. A health and nutrition class would surely ease that trouble and help me make choices that are good for my body. Second, I am not very interested in sciences, so I don’t think an energy and environment or solar system class would be very intriguing to me. I would rather take classes that excite me rather than the class I was totally disinterested. So, for these two reasons, I would choose to take a health and nutrition class, rather than energy and environment, or solar system course.
上面这个回答其实就融合了两种模板思路,回答者先是给出了一个正面的选择Health and nutrition的理由,之后又给出了一个不选择另外两个选项的理由。兼顾了正面论述和反面排除,可以说是相当聪明的论述方式。当大家面对选项无论是正面还是反面都给不出足够理由或是找不出适用例子时,这种正反论述的模板思路大家完全可以参考运用起来,同样也能保证理想的口语得分。